EDPS341 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Pencey Prep, 3 Women, Best Interests
Document Summary
Phoebe: she is a sobering aspect of childhood. Self-will: breaking the rules just because he want to. Rye analogy: children don"t know what"s coming for them, they can"t see over the stocks. No consequences: lies to his friends mom in the train car, kids around with 3 women in the bar. Children have a select few adults that they trust: Holden half grey hair: symbolism of halfway through adulthood and still in childhood. Children just speak what is on their mind. Sacrifice, not self interested care about other people. Best interests of the child in mind. Hotel- spitting in each others face- man dressing in girls clothes. Example one: description of the school- chapter one, second page. Paragraph is the day i want to start telling is the day i left pencey prep. And chapter 3, first page and a half. Playing polo: looks very fake, no one plays polo at the school.