ANTHR101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Carl Linnaeus, Mitosis, Essentialism

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Supplementary read: christmas in kalahari, an anthropological literature piece on the societal/cultural norms in context. Races that exist in my viewpoint: mongolian, caucasian, african, etc. Note: no testing on phases of mitosis and all that. Key points only that are covered in class. Possibility of extinction, evolution and the nature of change with species. Plato"s essentialism: individuals come and go but the species and the nature is unchanging and absolute. The ideal world, forms are perfect and eternal. A cow is a cow is a cow. The physical world is an idealized perfection of this world. There is diversity but never any extinction going on. In order to gain control over nature and to understand chaos, you have to give it order. The closer you are to the top, the closer you are to perfection and divinity. Carl linnaeus: he was interested in talking about the relationships more that the order.

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