BUSI 2601 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Future Shop, Vibram Fivefingers, Ibm Officevision

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Journalist at cbc has a famous show, but also has a private job as an art dealer. He was making connections while on his show and bringing his guests into his art business. As an agent of his principal cbc, this man must work in the best interest of his principal rather than to make personal gains. The governor of the bank of canada was on his tv show and then participated in his action for art in another function, where this cbc host made. People want to be with winners and invest and do business with people with reputations. Insider trading when we know the results: governmental obligation require you to act in a given way or impose a sanction (ex. Court decision dictate things you must do: obligation towards health and safety standards (ex. Clothing or protective gear in construction: false statement in a prospectus, anti-competitive behavior (ex.

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