BUSI 2601 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Political Correctness, National Post, Banana Republic

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In ontario we have 2 years to start a claim. Any invoice someone has two years prior to the following date cannot be attended to. Statute of limitations: the time frame in which someone has to file a claim in the legal manner. Although, all those that have been subject to sexual abuse or that have been expose to specific symptoms, where the subconscious hides the past and is blocked. In these cases where these mental issues have been present, the following two years does not apply. It only applies from the period where a person discovers this moment and understands that they have suffered. Ie) sexual abuse occurs in the 1960"s and a sexual abuse occurs to a person. A person suffers from shock or mental incoherence and does not file a claim or feel the pain from the situation at the time.

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